Section: Dissemination


C. Calgaro is in charge of the communication of "Laboratoire Paul Painlevé" and she is in charge of the relation between the University of Lille and high schools. Accordingly, she organizes various events like "Les Mathématiques itinérantes" and "Stage de seconde à contenu scientifique". With the help of the Communication Department of Inria, C. Calgaro, E. Creusé and T. Goudon produced a documentary fiction (in French) for a general audience on how research in applied mathematics is being done. The title is "Avis de recherche" (see http://www.inria.fr/avisderecherche ).

On Wenesday, 19th of September 2012, C. Calgaro and C. Besse organized with the mathematics department P. Painlevé laboratory, the Société Mathématique de France, Inria, CNRS and Lille 1 University the conference "Un texte, un mathématicien" in Lille. The invited speaker was C. Villani, the 2010 Fields medalist. This conference had a great success with over 1200 participants.